A step-by-step guide to the slisBNB fund post its maturity.

Our first slisBNB fund has reached its maturity at 2 pm UTC, Sep. 30, 2024. Here is a step-by-step guide for our users to claim back their slisBNB upon maturity.

1. Getting Started

To begin, follow these simple steps:


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2. What happens when the fund matures

Depending on which page you are on, you might see the following information:

If you are on the front page, you will see the slisBNB fund section like this:


Click on “Redeem slisBNB” and you will be redirected to the Swap page.

If you are on the Swap page, you will see all the matured funds under the “Matured Funds” section:


The fair values shown will be the rates at which you can redeem your slisBNBs. If turPLBNB shows a fair value of 0.7514, you can redeem every turPLBNB token you have for 0.7514 slisBNB.