A step-by-step guide to uniBTC fund and brBTC fund.
1. Getting Started
To begin, follow these simple steps:
- Choose the correct network: Both the uniBTC Fund and brBTC Fund are deployed on BNB Chain.

- Connect your wallet: Connect your BNB Chain-compatible wallet to the Tranchess platform. We support popular wallets such as MetaMask, Rabby Wallet, and WalletConnect.

- BNB for gas: You need some BNB on BNB Chain for the gas fee.
- Last but not least: We put the two funds in one user guide because they have the same parameters and fund structure. uniBTC and brBTC have their own funds separately and the fund tokens are not interchangeable with the other fund. For example, you can swap the QUEEN, Stable, and Turbo tokens of the uniBTC fund with uniBTC anytime. However, you cannot swap the QUEEN, Stable, and Turbo tokens of the uniBTC fund with brBTC.
2. Understanding the Tokens
- The QUEEN token (uniBTCQUEEN & brBTCQUEEN): Swap to QUEEN token 1:1 with uniBTC or brBTC. Every QUEEN can be split into 0.1 Turbo and 0.9 Stable. Similarly, every 1 Turbo and 9 Stable can be merged into 10 QUEEN. The ratio is always 1⇌0.1+0.9.
- uniBTCQUEEN and brBTCQUEEN earn 105X Bedrock points. The 105X multiplier consists a 5X multiplier for Tranchess and a 21X multiplier from Bedrock on BNB Chain.
- The Stable token (staYuniBTC & staYbrBTC): “staY” is short for "Stable Yield”. The Stable tokens of brBTC and uniBTC funds earn a fixed interest of 8%. Don't confuse the fixed APR with the staking yield. The staking yield paid to Bedrock users is separate from the fixed yield and will not be affected.
- You can swap Stable back to the underlying assets (brBTC or uniBTC, respectively) anytime you want, or hold it until the fund ends, when all Stables will be converted back to the underlyings.
You can swap staYuniBTC to uniBTC or hold it till maturity and convert it back to uniBTC. The same goes for brBTC. However, you can’t swap between uniBTC and staYbrBTC.
- Stable doesn't earn any Bedrock points.