A step-by-step guide to the slisBNB fund.
1. Getting Started
To begin, follow these simple steps:
- Choose the correct network: Tranchess slisBNB Fund is deployed on the BNB Chain.
- Connect your wallet: Start by connecting your BNB Chain-compatible wallet to the Tranchess platform. We support popular wallets such as MetaMask, Rabby Wallet, and WalletConnect.
- BNB for gas: You need some BNB on BNB Chain for the gas fee.
2. Understanding the Tokens
- slisQUEEN: Swap slisQUEEN 1:1 with slisBNB. Every slisQUEEN can be split into 0.1 turPLBNB and 0.9 staYLBNB. Similarly, every 1 turPLBNB and 9 staYLBNB can be merged into 10 slisQUEEN. The ratio is always 1⇌0.1+0.9.
- slisQUEEN earns 1x LISTA points. However, you can double the multiplier into 2x with just one extra step and no slippage or loss of any kind: splitting slisQUEEN into turPLBNB and staYLBNB. There is no fee for split/merge.
- staYLBNB (Stable Yield slisBNB): Short for "Stable Yield slisBNB", staYLBNB earns a fixed interest of 12%. Don't confuse the fixed APR with the staking yield. The staking yield paid to slisBNB holders is separate from the fixed yield and will not be affected.
- You can swap staYLBNB back to slisBNB anytime you want, or hold it until the fund ends, when all staYLBNBs will be converted back to slisBNB.
- staYLBNB doesn't earn any LISTA points.
- turPLBNB (Turbo Point slisBNB): Short for "Turbo Point slisBNB," turPLBNB turbocharges your speed of earning slisBNB points. With an innate leverage of 10 and a bonus multiplier of 2 from Lista DAO, turPLBNB earns LISTA points at a 20x rate.
- You can swap turPLBNB back to slisBNB anytime you want, or hold it until the fund ends, when all turPLBNBs will be converted back to slisBNB.