Welcome to Tranchess V3, your gateway to enhanced yield optimization for staked ETH. This user guide will walk you through the key features and functionalities of Tranchess V3, empowering you to maximize your earnings potential in the world of LSDFi.

1. Getting Started

To begin using Tranchess V3, follow these simple steps:

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2. Understanding Tokens

Tranchess V3 introduces several new tokens with unique functionalities:

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3. Splitting and Merging Tokens

Here’s an example to help you understand better:

Assume right now 1 wstETH = 1.2 stETH, which means 1 wstQUEEN = 1.2 stETH = 1.2 ETH. When splitting, 1 wstQUEEN would become 1.2/109= 1.08 staYETH and 1.2/101=0.12 turYETH.