<aside> πŸ’‘ This will serve as an introduction to Tranchess, providing you with a high-level overview of the key products and teach you how to use each one to your advantage.


At it’s core, Tranchess is designed to have a product suited for everyone, based on their risk appetite and needs. As such, we have our innovative 3-fund structure of QUEEN, BISHOP, and ROOK! The technical definitions, inner-workings and information will not be described here but can be found in our docs.

Each fund (QUEEN, BISHOP, ROOK) serves a particular type of user and aims to satisfy their risk appetite.

Important Note: If you want to switch between the Ethereum and BNBChain Networks, the Tranchess page will automatically detect which network your wallet is connected to and switch between funds.

QUEEN (Main Fund)


User People who are long term holders of an asset and want to benefit from consistent & secure yield

(Best and most popular yield highlighted in red) | Ethereum Chain

Liquid Staking Maintain liquidity while earning yield on your assets due to our liquid staking products qETH, nQUEEN, etc. This will allow you to continue to participate in the DeFi ecosystem, using these assets as collateral!

Earn CHESS Staking will earn you CHESS rewards, which allow you to: (1) Earn 50% Tranchess Protocol Revenue via Weekly Rebates (2) Boost yield up to 3x (3) Participate in TranchessDAO Governance where you can influence CHESS emissions weekly, vote on DAO proposals, etc. |

<aside> πŸ”— QUEEN Staking Links qETH-ETH Liquidity Provision can be found on Balancer QUEEN and qETH staking pages can be reached via the liquid staking page


BISHOP (Delta-Neutral Tranche Fund)


User People who are looking high yield on their stablecoins (i.e. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/deltaneutral.asp#:~:text=Delta neutral is a portfolio strategy that utilizes multiple positions,of the position to zero. yield)
(Best and most popular yield highlighted in red) Ethereum Chain:

Earn Boosted Yield via Staking and LP By staking BISHOP, you will earn extra yield! Furthermore, you can utilize any BISHOP you don’t want to stake, and provide liquidity in our many BISHOP-BUSD pools to earn trading fees on top of all the existing yield.

Fully Collateralized Since BISHOP and ROOK combine to derive 1 QUEEN (learn more in the docs on the tranche structure), BISHOP is fully collateralized and secure. |

<aside> πŸ”— All BISHOP pages can be reached via the BISHOP staking page


ROOK (Leverage Tranche Fund)


User People who are looking for leveraged exposure
(Best and most popular yield highlighted in red) Ethereum Chain:

*Negative APY indicates the funding rate > total yield | | Key Features | No Forced Liquidation Due to the innovative tranche structure of Tranchess, ROOK has a special feature of there being no forced liquidation. Pricing of ROOK will be reflected via its net-asset value and will change according to market prices. Learn more about ROOK in the documentation page for more technical information.

Low Funding Fee The overall fee a users will end up paying as funding is very low, where the APY itself from staking ROOK will negate the funding fee in fact! The funding fee itself has fluctuated between 1-4% APR, almost 70% cheaper than average annual funding rates of Centralized Exchanges. In the end, by staking ROOK, you will pay 0 funding when taking into account staking APY.

Stake to Earn CHESS By staking ROOK, you will be earning CHESS as well as benefitting from our PoS Validator Nodes. This way you can both benefit from market price appreciation via leverage and still continuously earn yield. |

<aside> πŸ”— All ROOK pages can be reached via the ROOK staking page
